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Volunteer/Internship/Dissertation with EnviroVigyan

EnviroVigyan is thankful to you for looking into work opportunity with us for protecting our planet!

The increase in population, rapid urbanization, industrialization, advancement in technology, and increased consumerism practices results in deteriorating the environmental quality and depletion of natural resources. At present, the major environmental issues faced are climate change, pollution (air, water, soil), ozone depletion, global warming, waste management, deforestation, desertification, land degradation, changes in land use and land cover patterns, ecotourism, habitat destruction for organisms, natural disasters, extinction of endangered species, and conservation of natural resources. For environmental protection and management of natural resources in a sustainable manner, it is important to identify the issues, finding the scientific solutions, and formulating an environment plan in order to solve the major environmental issues and challenges.

Therefore, at EnviroVigyan you can be the volunteer/intern/dissertation trainee with us for solving these major environmental issues.

The certificate of Volunteer/intern/dissertation trainee will be provided after the successful completion of the work.

Please note that, presently EnviroVigyan will not provide any payment. However, we ensure that EnviroVigyan will enrich you with good knowledge and a perspective to contribute significantly in your society.

For Volunteer: Please also note that there is no age barrier for being the Volunteer of EnviroVigyan, any environmental enthusiast or the person who want to learn and contribute for environment can work with us.

For Internship/Dissertation: For being the intern of EnviroVigyan, you have to work for minimum of 6 weeks and maximum upto 12 weeks. However, for dissertation trainee, you can work with us for 6-7 months.

Are You Interested?

Please fill this form-

Please note that only selected applicants will be called for interview.

If you are having any further query, you can mail us at: 



Partnership/Collaboration with EnviroVigyan

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

We can provide you services and assistance for solving problems related to major environmental issues. We can help you in awareness programmes, campaign, technology development, arranging conferences, seminars, webinars, making scientific agendas and proposals. There are so many ways by which you can work with us.

If you are interested, you can mail us at: