Carbon Footprint: Causes, Need of Measurement, and Ways to Reduce It
Carbon Footprint: Causes, Need of Measurement, and Ways to Reduce It
Date: 25 December 2021
Author: Mr. Naveen Kumar
What is Carbon Footprint?
Carbon Footprint is a measure of the total number of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted due to human being activities. The GHGs mainly responsible for increased carbon footprint are Carbon di-oxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4). This indicates that more is the consumption of resources, larger will be the size of Carbon Footprint. Carbon Footprint is generally expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.
What are the causes of increasing Carbon Footprint?
As we all know that the human population is increasing day by day, therefore the demand for resources is also increasing. The change in lifestyle patterns also demands for more consumption of resources, which ultimately results in increasing emissions of greenhouse gases. The major activities responsible for causing more carbon footprint are-
- Industrial activities
- Consumption of more energy resources
- Residential activities
- Transportation
- Consumption of households’ goods
- Deforestation
- Waste disposal and unsustainable practices
- Pollution and Poverty
- Lack of education and awareness
Why we need to measure our carbon footprint?
A carbon footprint is an analytical tool for determining the impact of a person's engagements on global warming. Therefore, it is important to measure your carbon footprint as a responsible citizen, so that your small-small steps may contribute in stopping and controlling global warming, at least on an individual level.
According to the study by International Energy Agency, the global average annual carbon footprint per person is about 4.35 tonnes in year 2016. For a United States Citizen, the per capita CO2 emission were 14.95 tonnes, whereas for India, per capita emission is comparatively low i.e., 1.57 tonnes. Per capita CO2 emissions were observed to be more for developed countries due to their consumption of more resources, advancement of technologies, and generation of more waste.
How can we reduce our Carbon Footprint?
To reduce CO2 emissions your personal contribution is a simple and quick way to take responsibility for climate change.
- Habit sustainable conveyance
- Drive more economically
- Improve home energy efficiency
- Recycling and composition
- Decrease beef and dairy consumption
- Reduce water usage
- Eat locally cultivated foods
“Let’s contribute to reduce your own Carbon Footprint.”
Watch this small video on Carbon Footprint: Easiest Way to Know Facts About Carbon Footprint- Reduce Carbon Footprint-By EnviroVigyan - YouTube
Edited By: Dr. Anchal Garg